Tribes and River Surfing

“Over the past 12 years, river surfing has exploded and it’s fair to say that in most whitewater parks around the Country, river surfers have become the dominant user group”, said Mike Harvey in recent article he penned for the American Whitewater association about his 23 years building whitewater parks and river waves. Mike Harvey […]


After much research, failed attempts for change of status quo, and self-reflection; I have decided to refrain from knowingly promoting river surfing due to river surfing’s unwittingly and knowingly negligent use of unsafe gear (in particular the use of quick release leashes and improperly designed personal floatation devices for river surfing). Quick Release Leashes Are […]

16th St Wave has snow and might even be surfable!! Thursday 9/28/24

Chatty likely staying at 15cfs today. 16th Street Wave is 122 and people are hitting a free snowboard rail park at Commoms Park downtown Denver up the hill from the wave today thru the weekend (also free to watch). Info: Only in Denver, ColoRADo. LBK